“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. ~ Peter Drucker
Measuring, or tracking, your search engine rankings in each of the three major search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing) is essential to any campaign intended to increase your internet presence and improve traffic to your website.
Track for what, though?
Your website likely ranks somewhere in the search engines for every word or phrase (keyword) a potential customer or visitor uses to find businesses like yours. For example, a Plano CPA will rank somewhere in the search results for queries for “Plano CPA”, “Plano accountant” and “Plano tax expert”. Each of those phrases has some level of search traffic each month, and each has a list of businesses that appear on page one of the search results.
Tracking where YOUR website ranks for those three example phrases is one way to measure and evaluate your investment in search engine optimization. You should expect a regular report from your internet marketing consultants showing (a) where you start out ranking for those phrases, and (b) what improvement, if any, you achieve over time as search engine optimization (SEO) activities are performed.
Make sure you know where you started, how far you have to go to reach page one, and what progress you are making as you pursue improving your internet presence.