The following is a list of services we use at Pathway Internet Marketing, tools we like or places we thing provide reliable information related to building your small business website or marketing your brand online.
One and One is a perfect solution for brand new businesses that just need to get a simple site up and running without spending alot of money, or for hosting a professional site that doesn’t anticipate getting thousands of visitors each day. If your typical traffic level is 50-100 visitors per day or less, the shared hosting solution offered by is great.
Another significant benefit to is that when you purchase your domain through them, they throw in “privitization”. Simple put, this is a service that normally costs $10-12/year to keep your personal information out of the whois domain register. If you don’t want the name, address and phone number you used to register your domain available to the public, privatization is a good solution. is one of the few registrars I’m aware of at the time this is posted that offers this added feature for free.